Event archive

06.09.2022: 19th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards 2024 (CHF 500.-):

Sina Livia Schmid (Category: Basic research animal)

Title: “Modulation of neuronal activity in the ante rior cingulate cortex in neuropathic pain.”

Salome Wild (Category: Basic research human)

Title: “Sleep may impact adolescent brain develop ment: Findings from a longitudinal MRI study.”

Céline Mollet (Category: Clinical Research)

Title:“Evaluating the usage of closed fontanelle as a criterion for health in small breed dogs.”


08.09.2022: 18th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards 2023 (CHF 500.-):

Liana Hayrapetyan (Category: Basic research human)

Title: "Sex- and strain-dependent dominant be havior in mice lacking the novel S1014 phospho site on the receptor tyrosine kinase MET”

Jana Leuenberger (Category: Basic research human)

Title: “Exploring Cellurar Models for Synapse Stud ies: Insights from SH-SY5Y, PC12 abd iPSC-derived Motoneurons"

Lydia Maderthaner (Category: Clinical Research)

Title: “Neural Correlates of Formal Thought Disor der Dimensions in Psychosis”


09.09.2022: 17th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards 2022 (CHF 500.-):

Chiffi Gabriele (Category: Basic research animal)

Title: "Tick-borne encephalitis affects sleep-wake behavior and locomotion in infant rats "

Wunderlin Marina (Category: Basic research human)

Title: “Responsiveness to auditory stimulation during slow wave sleep predicts long-lasting increases in memory performance in older adults"

Schumacher Rahel (Category: Clinical Research)

Title:  “Modality-modulated difficulties in flexible attention allocation after stroke” 


14.03.-17.03.2022: 24th Brain Week "Consciousness - Bewusstseinszustände"


29.10.2021: 16th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards 2021 (CHF 500.-):

Jakub Králik et al. (Category: Basic research animal)

Title: "ON-bipolarcelltargetedoptogeneticgene therapy in light of retinal degeneration: Functional evaluation using multi-electrode arrays"

Mirjam Studler, Lorena Gianotti et al. (Category: Basic research human)

Title: “Local slow wave activity in regular sleep reveals individual risk preferences"

Nicole Gangl et al. (Category: Clinical Research)

Title:  “Volume reductions in the limbic network in patients with paranoia”


15.03.-18.03.2021: 23rd Brain Week "Gender & Brain"


23.10.2020: 15th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards (CHF 500.-):

Patricia Renz et al. (Category: Basic research animal)

Title: "Deciphering astrocyte polarization in perinatal white matter injury and its role in disease pathogenesis"

Romain Ghibellini et al. (Category: Basic research human)

Title: “Hypnagogic states are quite common: Evidence from a Swiss population"

Brigitte Kaufmann et al. (Category: Clinical Research)

Title:  “Eye know about your neglect: Eyetracking during free visual exploration (FVE) is sensitive and reliable to detect neglect”


14.06.2019: 14th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards (CHF 500.-):

Federica Pilotto(Category: Basic research animal)

Title: ER-Mitochondrial Axis in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosi

Chiara Fontanellaz-Castiglione (Category: Basic research human)

Title:  Steps to a good night's sleep: The association between physical activity and sleep in adolescenc

Brigitte Kaufmann (Category: Clinical Research)

Title:  cTBS improves neglect recovery and upper limb function in activity of daily living after stroke


11.03.-14.03.2019 & 22.03.2019: 22nd Brain Week


25.05.2018: 13th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards (CHF 500.-):

Gierin Thomi (Category: Basic research animal)

Title: Immunomodulatory Effects of Exosomes Derived from Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Perinatal Brain Injury

Lorena Gianotti (Category: Basic research human)

Title: Neural signatures of different behavioral types in fairness norm compliance

Rebecca Paladini (Category: Clinical Research)

Title: Cross-modal processing affects attentional asymmetries in patients with hemispatial neglect


12.03.-16.03.2018: 21st Brain Week


08.09.2017: 12th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Winner of Poster Awards (CHF 500.-):

Gerd Tinkhauser (Category: Clinical Research)

Title: Brain signals to optimise directional DBS programming in Parkinson's disease

Lukas Oesch (Category: Basic research animal)

Title: REM sleep reactivation of lateral hypothalamus neurons associated with goal-oriented behaviors conditions food intake during wakefulness.

Sarah Rudorf (Category: Basic research human)

Title: Neural mechanisms mediating the effect of social cognition on control-averse behavior



13.03.-16.03.2017: 20th Brain Week


31.03.2016: 11th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern


14.03.-17.03.2016: 19th Brain Week


14.09.2015: Joint BENESCO - CNB - CCLM - Meeting


16.03.-20.03.2015: 18th Brain Week


22.01.2015: 10th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern


10.03.-14.03.2014: 17th Brain Week


24./25.01.2014: Joint Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern (CNB) and Swiss Society for Neuroscience (SSN)


11.03.-15.03.2013: 16th Brain Week


04.12.2012: 8th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern


12.03-18.03.2012: 15th Brain Week


22.11.2011: 7th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern


14.03.-18.03.2011: 14th Brain Week


29.11.2010: 6th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern


01.12.2009: 5th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

The Annual Meeting 2009 also marked the 5th anniversary of the Clinical Neuroscience Bern.


19.11.2008: 4th Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern


12.06-03.07.2008: 2nd Brain Voyager Course

For the second time a Brain Voyager-Course, supervised by Andrea Federspiel, was conducted in the UPD Waldau. This time the focus was on Diffusor Tensor Imaging (DTI), determination of cortical thickness and statistics.


28.02-01.03.2008: 50th anniversary University Hospital for Neurology

For the 50th anniversary of the University Hospital of Neurology, a three-day event was realized. Among others, following topic were covered: Fields of application for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS and diseases of the autonomic nervous system.


11.2007: 3rd Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

Besides the lectures and the poster session, at 3rd Annual CNB Meeting, also workshops were offered. For the first time the best posters were awarded.


12.2006: 2nd Annual Meeting Clinical Neuroscience Bern

The 2nd Meeting of the Clinical Neuroscience Bern focused on updating about the last year and discussions for future goals and ideas.


06.2006: 2nd Movement Disorders Symposium Bern

For the second time the Movement Disorders Symposium Bern was hold. This year's topic was "Motion and Emotion - The Role of the Basal Ganglia". National and international experts were talking about the function, meaning and treatment of these brain structures.


03.2006: Brain Voyager Kurs


12.2005: Kick-off Meeting

The first meeting of the Clinical Neuroscience Bern was olf in the UPD Waldau on the 7th of December 2005.