Addiction Research Group

Research group leader


  • Robert Hämming, MD
  • Maria Stein, PhD
  • Leila Soravia, PhD
  • Kristina Rohde, PhD
  • Yuliya Burren, MA
  • Werner Fey, MSc
  • Anja Müller, BSc
  • Fabian Reichenbach, BSc


Research focuses

  • Substance use disorders
  • Cue reactivity and behavioural inhibition
  • Program and treatment evaluation
  • Comorbidity, ADHD


  • EEG
  • fMRI
  • Behavioural experiments
  • Clinical interviews and questionnaires

Short description

Individuals with substance use disorders challenge the health care system. The Addiction Research Group seeks to contribute to a better understanding of neurophysiological processes in substance use disorders (e.g. alcohol cue reactivity, behavioural inhibition, cortisol levels) and to the improvement of substance use disorder treatment programs by developing add on-interventions designed to lower the risk of relapse. Predictors of treatment outcome such as psychiatric comorbidity (e.g., Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders) or substance use-related self-efficacy are of particular interest.